Blinken, Turchia usi influenza su Hamas per cessate fuoco
Erdogan, 'non abbasseremo mai la guardia contro l'Isis'
Abu Mazen annuncia che andrà a Gaza
epa06951534 Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas 'Abu Mazen' attends the opening of a two-day convention of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) Central Council, at his presidential compound in the West Bank town of Ramallah, 15 August 2018. EPA/ATEF SAFADI
Erdogan conferma, 'San Salvatore in Chora è una moschea'
epa11322058 People visit the historic Chora Mosque during the its reopening day as a mosque in Istanbul, Turkey, 06 May 2024. Built in the 4th century as Chora Church, it was converted into a mosque around 1511 following the conquest of Constantinople the by Ottoman Empire. In 1945 it was transformed into a museum by decision of the Turkish government. Uopn decree of Turkish President Erdogan on 01 August 2020, work began to convert it into a mosque again and officially opened as a Mosque on 06 May 2024. EPA/ERDEM SAHIN
Erdogan, 'Netanyahu è responsabile dell'attacco dell'Iran'
epaselect epa11241081 Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan delivers a speech during the AK Party's election campaign rally in Istanbul, Turkey, 24 March 2024. The local elections in Turkey are scheduled for 31 March 2024. EPA/ERDEM SAHIN
La Turchia limita le esportazioni verso Israele