Moldavia, Sandu passa in testa con lo scrutinio al 93%
In Moldavia candidato filorusso in testa nei dati parziali
Moldavia al bivio, al via elezioni e referendum su adesione a Ue
Mattarella arrivato in Moldova per la visita di Stato
Il presidente della Repubblica Sergio Mattarella durante lÕincontro con le vincitrici della XXXVI edizione del Premio Marisa Bellisario, presso il Quirinale, Roma, 14 giugno 2024. ANSA/ANGELO CARCONI
Blinken,Israele abbia un piano per il dopoguerra prima possibile
epa11377306 US Secretary of State Antony Blinken (C) arrives to meet with the President of Moldova in the presidential palace during his official visit to Chisinau, Moldova, 29 May 2024. The US secretary of state visits Moldova to reaffirm U.S. support for the efforts of the Republic of Moldova in energy security consolidation, democratic reforms, and economic development. EPA/DUMITRU DORU
Moldavia, nessun attacco in Transnistria,vogliono la paura
epa11225560 People wait to vote in the Russian presidential elections outside the Russian Embassy after a man threw a handmade molotov cocktail earlier in the day, in Chisinau, during Russian presidential elections, in Moldova, 17 March 2024. The Russian Federation Council has scheduled presidential elections for 17 March 2024. Voting will last three days: March 15, 16 and 17. Four candidates registered by the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation are vying for the post of head of state: Leonid Slutsky, Nikolai Kharitonov, Vladislav Davankov and Vladimir Putin. EPA/DUMITRU DORU