Australia: saluto e simboli nazisti vietati in tutto il Paese

In vigore da oggi legge nazionale, erano già banditi in 5 stati
epa06038304 Detail of artifacts bearing Nazi symbols that were recovered by the Argentine Federal Police (PFA), displayed during an event at the headquarters of the Delegation of Argentinean Israeli Associations (DAIA) in Buenos Aires, Argentina, 19 June 2017. The DAIA decorated the Minister of Security Patricia Bullrich and the Federal Police of Argentina for their successful investigation that managed to recover a collection of 75 original artifacts, of German, Chinese, Japanese and Egyptian origin, that are of great interest for their historical value. Among the relics are some bearing Nazi symbolism, including a bust of German dictator Adolf Hitler and a sculpture of the imperial eagle. According to reports, investigators believe that the objects have entered Argentina through the Nazi hierarchies that took refuge in the South American country after World War II. EPA/DAVID FERNANDEZ
epa06038304 Detail of artifacts bearing Nazi symbols that were recovered by the Argentine Federal Police (PFA), displayed during an event at the headquarters of the Delegation of Argentinean Israeli Associations (DAIA) in Buenos Aires, Argentina, 19 June 2017. The DAIA decorated the Minister of Security Patricia Bullrich and the Federal Police of Argentina for their successful investigation that managed to recover a collection of 75 original artifacts, of German, Chinese, Japanese and Egyptian origin, that are of great interest for their historical value. Among the relics are some bearing Nazi symbolism, including a bust of German dictator Adolf Hitler and a sculpture of the imperial eagle. According to reports, investigators believe that the objects have entered Argentina through the Nazi hierarchies that took refuge in the South American country after World War II. EPA/DAVID FERNANDEZ

ROMA, 08 GEN - Le autorità australiane hanno introdotto da oggi il divieto del saluto e dei simboli nazisti su tutto il territorio nazionale. "È ora illegale eseguire il saluto nazista in pubblico o esporre pubblicamente o smerciare simboli di odio nazista", ha affermato il procuratore generale australiano Mark Dreyfus in un comunicato citato dai media locali. "Questa è la prima legislazione di questo tipo e garantirà che nessuno in Australia possa glorificare o trarre profitto da atti e simboli che celebrano i nazisti e la loro ideologia malvagia", ha aggiunto Dreyfus. I trasgressori di questa legge rischiano la reclusione fino a dodici mesi. Le autorità di cinque stati australiani avevano già vietato l'esposizione di simboli nazisti. (ANSA).


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