'Bambole della mafia', bufera sul presidente colombiano

Gustavo Petro ha definito così alcune giornaliste
epa11407838 Colombian President Gustavo Petro Urrego (C) greets onlookers behind a fence as he arrives at the Colombian navy's flagship 'ARC Gloria', which is docked at the Skeppsbron during the Colombian president's visit to Sweden, to meet with Sweden's Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson (unseen) in Stockholm, 13 June 2024. The Colombian President is on an official visit in Sweden from 11 to 14 June on the occasion of marking the 150th anniversary of bilateral relations between the two countries. The visit is focussed on 'bilateral relations, multilateral issues, the peace process in Colombia, sustainable development, research and innovations and economic cooperation', the Swedish Parliament says on its website. EPA/Anders Wiklund SWEDEN OUT
epa11407838 Colombian President Gustavo Petro Urrego (C) greets onlookers behind a fence as he arrives at the Colombian navy's flagship 'ARC Gloria', which is docked at the Skeppsbron during the Colombian president's visit to Sweden, to meet with Sweden's Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson (unseen) in Stockholm, 13 June 2024. The Colombian President is on an official visit in Sweden from 11 to 14 June on the occasion of marking the 150th anniversary of bilateral relations between the two countries. The visit is focussed on 'bilateral relations, multilateral issues, the peace process in Colombia, sustainable development, research and innovations and economic cooperation', the Swedish Parliament says on its website. EPA/Anders Wiklund SWEDEN OUT

BOGOTA, 19 SET - Il Consiglio di Stato colombiano ha ricevuto un'azione di tutela dei diritti fondamentali contro il presidente, Gustavo Petro, per aver definito "bambole della mafia" alcune giornaliste. L'avvocato che ha presentato l'azione, Germán Calderón España, ha invocato la "dignità umana" delle giornaliste colombiane come un diritto violato dal capo dello Stato, pretendendo una sua ritrattazione. Il 30 agosto, quando è entrata in carica la nuova titolare dell'ufficio del Difensore civico, Iris Marín, Petro aveva affermato che "le giornaliste del potere, bambole della mafia" hanno elaborato tesi di "terrorismo" attorno alle proteste sociali. La Fondazione per la libertà di stampa (Flip) ha condannato le dichiarazioni del leader progressista sostenendo che, a causa della sua grande influenza sui social, riproduceva "stereotipi di genere" contro le reporter della nazione sudamericana. (ANSA).


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