Israele: Idf, cinque i corpi di ostaggi recuperati a Gaza

Oltre a Maya Goren, anche quattro soldati
epa11492954 A man using a mobile phone takes pictures of Israeli hostages in captivity in Gaza during a protest outside the Kirya military headquarters in Tel Aviv, Israel, 23 July 2024. According to the Israeli military, 116 Israelis, who were abducted and taken to the Gaza Strip during the 07 October 2023 attacks by Hamas, remain in captivity. Rallies in Israel have been critical of the government's handling of the crisis, demanding the immediate release of all hostages. EPA/ABIR SULTAN
epa11492954 A man using a mobile phone takes pictures of Israeli hostages in captivity in Gaza during a protest outside the Kirya military headquarters in Tel Aviv, Israel, 23 July 2024. According to the Israeli military, 116 Israelis, who were abducted and taken to the Gaza Strip during the 07 October 2023 attacks by Hamas, remain in captivity. Rallies in Israel have been critical of the government's handling of the crisis, demanding the immediate release of all hostages. EPA/ABIR SULTAN

GERUSALEMME, 25 LUG - L'esercito israeliano ha recuperato nelle ultime ore nella Striscia di Gaza i corpi di cinque degli ostaggi rapiti il 7 ottobre. In un comunicato l'Idf elenca i loro nomi, alcuni dei quali già noto da ieri sera: Maya Goren, oltre ai soldati Ravid Aryeh Katz, Oren Goldin, Tomer Ahimas e Kiril Brodski. I resti sono stati portati in Israele, fa sapere l'esercito dello Stato ebraico. (ANSA).

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