Kiev: attacco russo nella notte a Odessa e Dnipro, 3 morti

'Missili e droni sulle città ucraine dell'est e dell'ovest'
epa11103214 A view on a damaged flat in a residential building hit by a drone attack in the South Ukrainian city of Odesa, Ukraine, 25 January 2024, amid the Russian invasion. At least six persons were injured during the overnight drone attack of the Odesa region, according to the Defense Forces of southern Ukraine. EPA/IGOR TKACHENKO
epa11103214 A view on a damaged flat in a residential building hit by a drone attack in the South Ukrainian city of Odesa, Ukraine, 25 January 2024, amid the Russian invasion. At least six persons were injured during the overnight drone attack of the Odesa region, according to the Defense Forces of southern Ukraine. EPA/IGOR TKACHENKO

ROMA, 23 FEB - Droni e missili russi hanno colpito nella notte la città occidentale di Odessa e Dnipro, in Ucraina orientale, provocando tre morti e diversi feriti. Lo hanno riferito le Forze di difesa di Kiev su Telegram, come riporta Ukrinform. (ANSA).


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