Libia: un leone semina il panico a Derna, ucciso dopo una caccia

Forse fuggito da un'abitazione, casi di allevamento di predatori
epa10036066 A male African lion is fed in an enclosure at the Sudan Animal Rescue Center in Al Bageir, near the country's capital Khartoum, Sudan, 17 June 2022 (issued 27 June 2022). What started as a private rescue mission by the center's founder Osman Salih - initially financed by his own savings - to save five starving lions from the Al-Qurashi Gardens in Khartoum in January 2020, has now become a rescue center for numerous animals that is funded by donations and about weekly 600 visitors. Although one of the lions died one day after Salih's rescue attempt and another one died a few months later, his mission to rescue the animals was followed on social media and triggered worldwide support. Now he runs the rescue center on some 10-acres of land belonging to the family hosting 20 lions, monkeys, snakes and ostriches. One of the surviving lionesses named Kandaka, that was in the worst condition before being rescued recently gave birth to the lion cub and is also featured in the logo of the Sudan Animal Rescue Center. While his animal rescue center was welcomed by many supporters, Salih himself tries to keep a low profile as others also have criticised his work, saying that resources should be better diverted towards Sudan's humanitarian crisis. EPA/ELA YOKES ATTENTION: This Image is part of a PHOTO SET
epa10036066 A male African lion is fed in an enclosure at the Sudan Animal Rescue Center in Al Bageir, near the country's capital Khartoum, Sudan, 17 June 2022 (issued 27 June 2022). What started as a private rescue mission by the center's founder Osman Salih - initially financed by his own savings - to save five starving lions from the Al-Qurashi Gardens in Khartoum in January 2020, has now become a rescue center for numerous animals that is funded by donations and about weekly 600 visitors. Although one of the lions died one day after Salih's rescue attempt and another one died a few months later, his mission to rescue the animals was followed on social media and triggered worldwide support. Now he runs the rescue center on some 10-acres of land belonging to the family hosting 20 lions, monkeys, snakes and ostriches. One of the surviving lionesses named Kandaka, that was in the worst condition before being rescued recently gave birth to the lion cub and is also featured in the logo of the Sudan Animal Rescue Center. While his animal rescue center was welcomed by many supporters, Salih himself tries to keep a low profile as others also have criticised his work, saying that resources should be better diverted towards Sudan's humanitarian crisis. EPA/ELA YOKES ATTENTION: This Image is part of a PHOTO SET

TRIPOLI, 21 MAG - Un leone ha seminato il panico oggi nel quartiere Al-Fattayah della città libica di Derna prima di essere ucciso dalle forze di sicurezza. L'animale è entrato nella casa di un insegnante e della sua famiglia, che hanno subito dato l'allarme. Il dipartimento di polizia forestale è prontamente intervenuto e un agente è stato attaccato riportando ferite, prima che un altro uccidesse il leone a colpi di arma da fuoco. La famiglia ha denunciato il fatto ed è stato aperto un fascicolo con l'obiettivo di accertare la provenienza dell'animale. Il fenomeno dell'allevamento di predatori selvatici è molto diffuso nel Paese e costituisce un grave pericolo per l'incolumità pubblica dei cittadini. Lo scorso marzo, un ghepardo in fuga ha seminato panico e terrore tra gli abitanti della città di Masalata e delle città vicine, per poi essere successivamente fermato e ucciso nelle campagne vicine. (ANSA).


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