Onu, 230 milioni di sopravvissute a mutilazioni genitali

Africa il continente più colpito con oltre 144 milioni di donne
epa10860772 A group of women wait to board dugouts on the Sota river, an affluent of the Niger river, across to Niger near the border town of Malanville, Benin, 12 September 2023, (issued 14 September 2023). Following the coup in Niger on 26 July, Benin closed its border in accordance with one of the decisions taken by the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS). As legal cross-boundary road traffic for people, produce and consumer goods has come to a halt in the border town, people are turning to other means to ship their goods from both sides of the Niger River from both sides. EPA/DIDER ASSOGBA
epa10860772 A group of women wait to board dugouts on the Sota river, an affluent of the Niger river, across to Niger near the border town of Malanville, Benin, 12 September 2023, (issued 14 September 2023). Following the coup in Niger on 26 July, Benin closed its border in accordance with one of the decisions taken by the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS). As legal cross-boundary road traffic for people, produce and consumer goods has come to a halt in the border town, people are turning to other means to ship their goods from both sides of the Niger River from both sides. EPA/DIDER ASSOGBA

NAZIONI UNITE, 08 MAR - Sono oltre 230 milioni le donne nel mondo sopravvissute alle mutilazioni genitali: è quanto emerge in un rapporto dell'Unicef pubblicato ieri, che segna un aumento del 15% rispetto alla stima precedente del 2016. L'Africa è il continente più colpito con oltre 144 milioni di donne, seguito dall'Asia con 80 milioni. Al terzo posto il Medio Oriente (6 milioni). Lo studio prende in esame 31 Paesi in cui questa pratica è più comune. (ANSA).


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