Pakistan: 6 parlamentari arrestati per nuova legge su proteste

Dopo la manifestazione ieri dei sostenitori dell'ex premier Khan
epa11596161 A supporter of the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party waves the party's flag during a protest outside the Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa provincial assembly as Islamabad police arrested PTI party leaders, in Peshawar, Pakistan, 10 September 2024. Police arrested PTI leaders Barrister Gohar Ali Khan, Sher Afzal Khan Marwat, and advocate Shoaib Shaheen outside parliament, prompting the party to condemn the actions as a 'direct attack on democracy.' PTI criticized the PML-N government for the arrests, calling them 'illegal orders' and stating 'This is a moment of shame for the entire parliament.' Opposition leader Omar Ayub Khan added that police had targeted other PTI members as well, asserting 'Our only crime is that we have dared to challenge the status quo.' In a televised address, PML-N Senator Talal Chaudhry vowed legal action against Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Chief Minister Ali Amin Gandapur for inciting violence during a rally, claiming that 'not only will those who attacked be arrested, but also their mastermind.' The situation escalated during a PTI rally that clashed with police, leading to several arrests amid rising tensions. EPA/BILAWAL ARBAB
epa11596161 A supporter of the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party waves the party's flag during a protest outside the Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa provincial assembly as Islamabad police arrested PTI party leaders, in Peshawar, Pakistan, 10 September 2024. Police arrested PTI leaders Barrister Gohar Ali Khan, Sher Afzal Khan Marwat, and advocate Shoaib Shaheen outside parliament, prompting the party to condemn the actions as a 'direct attack on democracy.' PTI criticized the PML-N government for the arrests, calling them 'illegal orders' and stating 'This is a moment of shame for the entire parliament.' Opposition leader Omar Ayub Khan added that police had targeted other PTI members as well, asserting 'Our only crime is that we have dared to challenge the status quo.' In a televised address, PML-N Senator Talal Chaudhry vowed legal action against Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Chief Minister Ali Amin Gandapur for inciting violence during a rally, claiming that 'not only will those who attacked be arrested, but also their mastermind.' The situation escalated during a PTI rally that clashed with police, leading to several arrests amid rising tensions. EPA/BILAWAL ARBAB

ISLAMABA, 10 SET - Sei parlamentari pachistani del partito dell'ex primo ministro incarcerato Imran Khan sono tra le oltre 30 arrestati oggi in base a una nuova legge che limita le proteste. Ciò avviene dopo che migliaia di sostenitori del partito Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (Pti) di Khan si sono radunati ieri a Islamabad per una manifestazione che è stata interrotta con i lacrimogeni. Il partito ha dovuto affrontare una repressione radicale da quando l'ex giocatore di cricket Khan è stato incarcerato nell'agosto dell'anno scorso per una serie di accuse che, a suo dire, sono motivate politicamente. I parlamentari sono comparsi in un tribunale antiterrorismo di Islamabad dove un giudice ha confermato la custodia cautelare per 8 giorni. Tra gli arrestati, il leader del Pti, Muhammad Shoaib Shaheen, accusato di "attacco a funzionari", "rivolte armate" e "assemblea illegale" dopo la manifestazione di ieri. "Questi piccoli ostacoli non ci fermeranno. Siamo i soldati di Imran Khan e siamo al suo fianco", ha detto. (ANSA).

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