Pakistan: attacco suicida a base esercito, 23 morti
Rivendicazione di militanti affiliati ai talebani pachistani

epa10969519 A Pakistani police official stands guard during a late night search operation after the Pakistani government's deadline to expel undocumented immigrants expired in Karachi, Pakistan, 11 November 2023. The deadline set by Pakistan's government for undocumented immigrants and refugees to leave the country voluntarily expired on 01 November 2023. Pakistani authorities started to crack down on irregular migration, which particularly affects millions of Afghan refugees who had fled their homeland, many of them driven by decades of armed conflict and the return to power of the Taliban. Since Pakistan announced the deadline, a huge migratory flow has been recorded on the porous border between Pakistan and Afghanistan. According to official data, about 4.4 million Afghans are living in the country, of which 1.7 million are not registered. EPA/SHAHZAIB AKBER
PESHAWAR, 12 DIC - Almeno 23 persone sono state uccise questa mattina in un attentato suicida in una base militare del Pakistan: lo ha reso noto un funzionario. L'attacco è stato rivendicato da militanti affiliati ai talebani pachistani. La base presa di mira si trova nel distretto di Dera Ismail Khan, nella provincia di Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, vicino al confine con l'Afghanistan, secondo un funzionario locale che ha voluto mantenere l'anonimato. (ANSA).
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