Razzi dall'Iraq verso base coalizione a guida Usa in Siria

Forze sicurezza irachene, 'operazione per cercare autori lanci'
epa10167528 US soldiers take part in Military exercises with Syria democratic forces (SDF) at Dayrik town close to the tri-border between Syria, Iraq, and Turkey in al-Hasakah governorate, northeastern Syria, 07 September 2022. The US-led coalition carried out the first joint military exercise with the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in the border village of Taqil Baqil in Derik district near the tri-border between Syria, Iraq, and Turkey. The SDF said that the maneuver aims to raise the readiness of the SDF and make it ready to repel possible attacks that launched by ISIS cells in the region. EPA/AHMED MARDNLI
epa10167528 US soldiers take part in Military exercises with Syria democratic forces (SDF) at Dayrik town close to the tri-border between Syria, Iraq, and Turkey in al-Hasakah governorate, northeastern Syria, 07 September 2022. The US-led coalition carried out the first joint military exercise with the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in the border village of Taqil Baqil in Derik district near the tri-border between Syria, Iraq, and Turkey. The SDF said that the maneuver aims to raise the readiness of the SDF and make it ready to repel possible attacks that launched by ISIS cells in the region. EPA/AHMED MARDNLI

BAGHDAD, 22 APR - Diversi razzi sono stati lanciati dal nord dell'Iraq in direzione di una base della coalizione internazionale anti-jihadista a guida Usa in Siria: lo affermano le forze di sicurezza irachene, dicendo di aver ritrovato il veicolo usato per il lancio, aggiungendo che "una vasta operazione" per rintracciare i responsabili e di ispezione è stata avviata nella provincia di Ninive. Si tratta del primo attacco di una qualche consistenza diretto contro le truppe della coalizione internazionale, anche se diversi droni e razzi sono stati diretti contro soldati americani in Medio Oriente durante gli ultimi mesi. (ANSA).


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