Wilders, 'sì a gruppo unico in Ue con Salvini e Meloni'
'Ho molto rispetto per entrambi, ne sarei entusiasta'
![epa11359675 Party for Freedom (PVV) leader Geert Wilders speaks during a debate on the final report of informateurs Richard van Zwol and Elbert Dijkgraaf on forming new Dutch government in the House of Representatives in the Hague, the Netherlands, 22 May 2024. Under their guidance, the PVV, VVD, NSC and BBB parties have reached a final agreement to form a right-wing cabinet, after almost six months of negotiations. EPA/ROBIN UTRECHT](https://images.messaggeroveneto.it/view/acePublic/alias/contentid/2608435b-bf07-4139-95c6-1da685dfe8d8/0/netherlands-parliament-government.webp?f=16%3A9&w=840)
epa11359675 Party for Freedom (PVV) leader Geert Wilders speaks during a debate on the final report of informateurs Richard van Zwol and Elbert Dijkgraaf on forming new Dutch government in the House of Representatives in the Hague, the Netherlands, 22 May 2024. Under their guidance, the PVV, VVD, NSC and BBB parties have reached a final agreement to form a right-wing cabinet, after almost six months of negotiations. EPA/ROBIN UTRECHT
L'AIA, 05 GIU - "Ho molto rispetto sia per Salvini che per Meloni" e, "se ci fosse la possibilità di formare un gruppo più ampio" con loro al Parlamento europeo, "sarei entusiasta di unirmi a loro". Lo ha detto il leader dell'ultradestra olandese (Pvv), Geert Wilders, a margine di un comizio al Haagse Markt, il mercato all'aperto dell'Aja, alla vigilia del voto europeo nei Paesi Bassi. (ANSA).
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