
Austria, un referendum per uscire dall’Europa
Hypo Group: dalla Ue ok al risanamento, ma va chiuso il ramo italiano
Croazia in festa per l’ingresso nella Ue
Lotta all’effetto serra: dall’ateneo di Udine un progetto premiato dalla Ue
20070406 - ROMA - ENV - CLIMA: PRESIDENTEIPCC, ULTIMI RITOCCHI DOCUMENTO COMPLESSO. Water vapour emerges of the cooling towers of the power plant Jaenschwalde, Germany, Thursday, 05 April 2007. Energy group Vattenfall Europe put a carbon dioxide free test installation into service. Scientists of the Brandenburg Technical Unversity Cottbus (BTU) and Vattenfall use the plant to do research on a climate-friendly brown coal power generation. Environmenalists criticize brown coal-fired power plants as extremly harmful to the climate. ANSA/Bernd Settnik/DRN